Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Coming full circle with the Sun Run

When I was 16 I ran the Vancouver Sun Run (10K) without training and in a pair of Nike Air basketball shoes that were 1.5 sizes too small for me. (Fashion over function, always!)  I think I did it in 1:07 and could not walk for the next week. I remember vividly the giant blister that developed on my foot, about the size of a toonie.  What struck me in addition to being sore was how much fun it was! The energy of an enormous crowd coming together to celebrate the city, healthy lifestyles, and just having a good time was infectious.  It was my first taste of running in a “race” situation and I loved it.
Fast forward 18 years to last Sunday.  I happened to read an article in the Vancouver Sun about an expected surge in last minute registrations for the Sun Run due to the Boston Marathon bombings, and people’s desire to do something to help.  It created a sense of urgency in me to sign up.  I really wanted to pay a tribute in my own way to those victims in Boston, and running seemed to be a very appropriate way for me to do it.  When am I ever in Vancouver at the time of the Sun Run, have free babysitters (my parents), and in shape to run 10K on a whim? NEVER! Until this year.  So I was compelled to run.  I didn’t need a friend or family member to do it with me.  In a way, there are 48,000 other people who are your friends for that 10K journey—in those moments you are on the same wavelength as everyone else around you.  But the competitive side of me WAS in a race—I had something to prove to myself.  I wanted to prove to myself that even though I am 18 years older than I was when I first ran the Sun Run, and probably about 45 pounds heavier than I was at age 16, and had to re-learn to run these past 3 months since having a baby, that I was healthier and in better shape.  I am proud of the fact that I completed the run in 56:11.  That’s not my best 10K time but what I’ll remember the most about last Sunday was how uplifted I was that yes, I CAN do this, I can keep getting better as I get older, and hard work does pay off.  At the beginning of February, I could barely run 4 minutes without having to stop and walk.  There are really no excuses I can give myself—“I’m too old and fat” is no excuse. “I’ve got 2 kids and just had a baby” is no excuse. “I am too busy” is no excuse.  If I can do this, anyone can do this. 
I think I will always remember the last 500m of my Sun Run running downhill into BC Place Stadium with thick crowds of supporters cheering everyone on both sides of the road. The sun was hot and I thought my lungs would collapse.  But running with so many like-minded people at one time is euphoric.  I celebrated life for those 56 minutes, relishing the fact that I had 2 legs to run with, that I live in the most beautiful part of the world, and that more people come together as a community to do good things rather than harm others.  I may never run the Boston Marathon (perhaps this should be a new goal of mine??)  but I think I have begun to understand why people are compelled to do it.  It’s good for your soul. 
the start line 1 hour before the race 

20 minutes before the race start, a few more people had shown up!

walking home from the race, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom....Vancouver is so beautiful

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Girls Weekend

Last weekend I went on my first all-girls weekend trip ever. Well, it was 8 girls and little 4 month old Alex.  It took 34 years to do this surprisingly but it was worth the wait – who would not want to wake up to this view:

What I learned on this trip:
-          I feel guilty going away without my family –like I don’t deserve it and am being negligent by going away. I spent a lot of time wondering if I’d be resented when I got home. Surprise—it was all good.
-          Going away without my family in tow is not selfish and does not yield disastrous results upon return. It makes me appreciate them more and Nick and Liam had a great time without me building a fort in the living room and eating pizza in it, having a beach day and movie afternoon.
-          I drive fast on mountainous roads.
-          When 8 women go away together the dishes are always immediately done.
-          Laughing heartily to the point of tears is not something that should just be reserved for people in my family—it can happen with people I’ve just met and that’s a good thing.
-          Alex is a terrible sleeper when not in his own crib. 
-          It’s good to be flexible. The planner in me can relinquish control and let others do it, and it all works out.
-          There are some amazing women in Victoria. I am excited to get to know them on a deeper level after this trip. For me, a real connection with people is important and I know I was able to do that in just 2 days.
-          Going away does not provide an automatic “OK” to drink and eat in excess or to sit on your butt all day long.  While there seemed to be an inordinate amount of peanut butter and hummus consumed, we pre-planned healthy meals. We hiked 6K along the Wild Pacific Trail and Bethany and I ran the trail Saturday morning.  It was good to weigh myself the next day and find that I lost 1.5 lbs that week.  When’s the last time you went on vacation and lost weight?! (My answer until last week: uh, NEVER.)
At the end of the Wild Pacific Trail this is the scene that greets you. Best running route ever.

Thank you ladies for a wonderful time. We will be doing this again.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

7 weeks, 10 pounds and 9.25 inches lost

Today I got up enough nerves to have Trish (BDHQ Baby Bootcamp trainer) do my measurements, 7 weeks after I posted my starting point (see "My Hill to Die on" post from Feb 13th).  I know I spent most of January and February eating poorly and that I probably wasn't making much progress in the weight loss/inches lost departments.  But having this blog and committing to reporting out on my progress or lack thereof has created some real accountability in me. I felt a need to face the truth today, and I was pleasantly surprised:

Chest: 39.5 (down 2.5 inches)
Waist:  36.5 (down 3 inches)
Hips: 41 inches (down 1.5 inches)
Thigh: 22.5 inches (down 1 inch each)
Bicep: Left: 10.5 (down 0.5 inches) Right 10.5 (up 0.25 inches)
Total inches lost: 9.25
Total pounds lost: 10

While I know I can do better, I'll take any kind of progress and celebrate that at the very least, I'm headed in the right direction.  I'm setting more aggressive goals for myself in the next 6 weeks because I know I can do it, and telling you all about them will make me feel that much more motivated to actually just git 'er done :)
We are headed to a family wedding in 6 weeks and there's nothing like a reunion to motivate (or scare) a person into losing more weight. I've also purchased a dress I want to wear and while it fits, I resemble a sausage encased in tubing that is too small at the moment.  So in 6 weeks my goal is 10 more pounds and to wear the dress without serious shame!  How I will do this successfully:

1. Drink 4L of water every day, and don't wait until the afternoon to start guzzling!
2. eliminate bread, refined sugar, saturated fats
3. Allow myself one cheat meal a week, not one cheat day, and not several cheat days as I've been doing
4. stick to lean protein (chicken breast, tofu, turkey, tuna, etc.)
5. Eat a giant salad every day to meet my 5 cups of veggies requirement
6. Never, EVER give up. Don't write off the day just because of one bad choice. Get back up and keep fighting--there is no time for complacency here!

The reason why I am doing this in the first place--to be around a long time for my babies and  teach them through my actions what a healthy lifestyle is so that they too can live their best life.
I want to thank Sarah for her eating plan advice and for coaching me in the exact way that motivates me (a blend of encouragement and challenge to do just a little bit more when I am about to give up), and for all my friends and family who patiently listen to me blither on about my workouts, diet, and thoughts on being healthy for life. I love you all!

Apri beaded tiered silk-blend dress by Alice + Olivia
The goal is to wear this dress like it's my job!